It's Friday! (For us who are on the other side of the International Date Line). Yay! And as many of my clansmen know, I've been having a rough week. (Things have improved (at least temporarily) and I feel much better. Thanks for all your support).

Anyway, here's a fun little forum game I thought of, inspired by the zombie thread recently resurrected about Tattoo Bradley's Kindle.

I am also a tech junkie. I loooooooove my toys! But sometimes I wonder which of my gadgets I truly couldn't live without. Sooooo, here is your mission, should you choose to accept it:

1) Think of all the electronic toys you may own: iPods, Crackberries, Kindles, laptops, digital cameras, portable TVs, cellular phones, etc.

2) Now, choose your 2 favourite items. They may be the ones you use most, or the ones that you enjoy the most, or whatever.

Got them? Good.



3) Now it's time to choose which item you truly can't live without. Suppose I made you an offer. Suppose I offered you a brand new, custom-made, 8-yard, hand-sewn KILT (or ANY kilt of your choice for those XMTS members who would prefer a contemporary) in exchange for 1 of your 2 favourite items. Which (if any) would it be?

I should add, that the condition (the rule, if you will) is that you must give up the item right away during the "Jones" period, and are prohibited from buying a replacement until 1 calendar year after you've received your kilt. (hehe... )

Well, when I thought about it, here's what I came up with.

2 items I love: My eeePC 701 , my Nokia E63 smartphone.

Keep: E63
Trade for kilt: eeePC (Make mine a Thompson Camel in a 16oz wool, please)

Man, that was a tough choice.

K. Now it's your turn.