As many will know I fell down this rabbit hole early last fall after being asked to do a wedding wearing a kilt. Since that time I've been Jonesing to do another kilted wedding. Well I got my wish, kinda.

Yesterday I booked a wedding that is to be spiritual in nature, Lots of God just easy on the formal religion part. This is a second wedding for both, and they are both in recovery, so the idea of a higher power is very welcome, just not all the hoops and hurdle's that some put on some weddings.

Now the fun part; they asked me if I would wear my kilt (they had seen pictures on my website) to honor their parents (both sets are Irish/Scot). While the couple are going for a Western/ Steampunk style (she's an artist, he's a FAA accident scene investigator/ Musician) they want me in as much of a full kit as possible. Whats a guy to say?