Very often, it seems, the question arises as to what is proper for the piper to wear, and when, and when I say "proper", I mean above and beyond proper and appropriate Highland attire."What should I wear for this wedding or that funeral, or the odd ceremony?" Now, I mean this outside of any band or regimental dictates. There is the Piper's plaide, and the "Piper's sporran.", both of which, I think, are really associated more with regimental requirements?

What makes the piper's sporran, just that? Is there any other traditional wear that is singular to the piper?

Other than the awesome pics I have seen here, most pics, sketches, arwork, seem to lend themselves to be romanticized, stylized as it were, posed! Does that matter? Isn't that what the paying public has come to expect the piper to look like?think:

, and that's other than the pipe's on one's shoulder for you comedian's in the crowd