Something borrowed, Something blue.

Well it's official! Catherine (duchessofnc) and I are now married. The days leading up to the wedding began with the arrival special guest who decided to help Catherine with the "something blue". That's right the Saltire that could have easily have gone to the Gathering graced us with her presence. We would like to thank Mein for pointing the Saltire in our direction, she has been a most welcomed guest. So onto the photos:

Nessie investigating the box

The Saltire with her little sis

Nessie and the wee airship

The captain said that as the wee ship had the pleasure of seeing Hamish's kilt kollection it was ready to see my wee collection

Of course after the kilts the Saltire, being tired from her journey was ready for a rest, I found her lying amongst my kilt hose

The next morning I was looking for the wee airship, I opened the hermetically sealed kilt collection chamber and what should my eyes behold?

On Thursday Catherine's mom was on the way into Toronto, so we all went over to Toronto International Airport, the wee ship took off to ensure that her plane landed safely

More to come.