Commercial Break

The Heralds’ Wing of the Great Hall of X Marks the Scot

We see Arlen come walking into the room; he is covered with bloody scratches.

“Arlen, what happened!” asks Dee with alarm.

“It was my turn to give Mr. Tibbles his bath and manicure; you know how he hates that. Let’s just say he wasn’t very cooperative.”

Dee nods with understanding. “I know, the same thing happened to me with his last bath.”

The narrator’s voice breaks in. “Are you tired of fighting your pet just to give him a bath?”

Both Dee and Arlen turn towards the camera and nod.

“Then it’s time you tried the new Easy Groom combination bath brush and nail trimmer from Freelander Enterprises.”

The scene changes and we see a very unhappy badger held within a mechanical device. The device proceeds to scrub the animal clean and trim his nails. Dee and Arlen stand back and watch the device work.

The narrator continues to speak. “The Easy Groom is completely hands-free once you place your pet inside. Once he’s inside, all you have to do it turn it on and wait for your pet to come out clean and trimmed.”

Once the machine is finished, it releases the badger, who bolts down the hall to escape.

Arlen and Dee turn towards the camera again. “Thanks, Easy Groom,” they say in unison.