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4th August 09, 08:19 PM
 Originally Posted by McClef
I enjoyed the Flashman series too!
Only one movie was made from it with Malcolm McDowell playing the eponymous "hero" and with the racier content somewhat turned down. 
GMF wrote the screenplay, and "toned it down" to broaden the potential audience.
I personally liked "ROYAL FLASH", and thought Mr. McDowell did a pretty credible job as old Flashy, even though he looked less like Flashman than Aunt Jemima would have. For my money Peter Bowles would have been perfectly cast in the part-- look at Tony Richardson's version of "CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE" where Bowles plays Capt. Duberly. He's Harry Padget Flashman right down to the ground. I've read somewhere that Bowles actually did portray Flashman in a documentary about GMF, but haven't managed to track it down...
Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 4th August 09 at 08:50 PM.
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