This happened a few weeks back, and this is the first chance I have had to post.

I was walking along the cliff trail enjoying the ocean, as I do most every morning. I rounded a corner and almost ran into a couple headed the other direction. The woman stated “You look very authentic…Are you authentic?” I answered, I was as authentic as an American of Irish, and Scottish descent could be. The look on her face said my answer did not satisfy her completely. Before I could ask her to elaborate, her husband stated they were out visiting from Virginia, and asked about the area. Our conversation became the usual conversation that locals and visitors have about a small coastal town.

When I returned home, I mentioned the woman’s question to my wife, who immediately burst out in laughter. Then with the biggest Cheshire cat grin that I have seen on my wife’s face in quite a while, she said, “She wanted to know if you were regimental.” The look on the woman's face suddenly made sense.

My wife then asked if the woman had straightened my pleats. I laughed and answered no. She asked this because, it has been my experience when women pose with me for photos, they will run their hand down the back of my kilt (usually with a heavier hand pressure across the seat area.) The usual explanation (when one is offered) is my pleats needed to be straightened. My wife finds it amusing (after over thirty years and seven children, she knows I’m not going anywhere.) As for me, I consider it a compliment that the women think my pleats are worth straightening.