I was kilted while history was made
My new friends here on XMTS know that I am a stagehand and technician. Yesterday I was an engineer for the image magnification and multi-camera video broadcast at Evangelical Lutheran Church in America National Conference held in Minnesota. I am a hired gun, I do not discriminate who pays the gig, just glad to get the call for whatever. Once in a 12-hour period, I worked a Women of Faith conference and turned around and did an AC/DC show. Just living the dream and paying the bills!
Well yesterday I was in the booth kilted in my SWK NightStalker when they voted to allow Gay and Lesbians who are in committed, meaningful same-sex relationships to become members of the clergy. History was truly made yesterday when they voted to allow. All of the major TV networks were there and reporters from around the world. Cool thing was that as engineer I was kilted. I am straight (but not narrow) and everyone dug my kilt! Today I am not on the call (yet) but was asked if I had other kilts. Because we are supposed to be in show blacks, if called I will have to wear my UK Black original.
Thought I would share the fact that I was kilted and no one thought it was weird and the people who paid the bills asked where they could get one. Continuing to convert the bi-furbicated one at a time.
Last edited by ChubRock; 22nd August 09 at 06:12 AM.
A proud Great-Great Grandson of the Clan MacLellan from Kirkcudbright.
"Think On!"