Is Grant missing?
Ladies and Gentlemen of XMTS it with dire concern I note that our own Grant, X Marker ccga3359, sole member of the Kilted Order of the Rubber Chicken, (in)glorious leader of the Mighty SOKS, and possessor of a golden mane of of blond hair and pert buttocks has not posted since last month!

It is rumored among the SOKS that he has a birthday coming up.
So it could be that with typical Grant logic he has decided to hide in the basement so Father Time can't find him.
There are so many things we could say about Grant (they really have to be said as most are unprintable) but I'm sure all would agree that he makes XMTS a lot of fun*.
Wherever you are
Whatever you are doing (and hey stop that! )
and for whatever odd reason...
We like you.
Some come back and post some!
Your friend
Jamie :ootd:
¿Dónde está Grant?
Où est-Grant?
Wo liegt Grant?
Waar is Grant?
Kje je Grant?
Dove si trova Grant?
Где грант?
Var är Grant?
Πού είναι Γκραντ;
Onde está Grant?
Last edited by Panache; 25th August 09 at 11:17 AM.
Reason: * Please note that this doesn't mean we will be nice to you
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand