Ian is a really interesting boat designer that lives in the Highlands. Here's a quick look at some of his work.

Here's Ian's little cruiser that he calls "Eun Mara"

Possibly his most popular and famous design, the Caledonia Yawl

The Ness Yawl, the inspiration for the boat I hope to build.

Here's a lovely article about the building, launching and sailing of Ness Yawl, with pictures of Ian, aboard..


An absolutely lovely Oughtred-designed faering...for rowing

Ians plans can be purchased from Classic Marine in the UK. Ian does'nt "do" e-mail, but you can write to him there. Ian adapts classic North Sea designs to construction with modern materials, such as glued lap plywood. You can find beaucoup discussion about his designs on the forum at http://www.woodenboat.com