I figured that for my 1000th post, I should make it a good one...

The thought for today is that I should try to work on getting a kilt to honor my dad who died about 6 years ago last month. And I got thinking, does Coke have a tartan? Turns out they do!

Now, for various reasons, I know I would need to order either via Rocky or Matt, and I think I remember Matt doing the more rare tartans. I have no question that it would be a custom weave, but... just how do I go about getting permission from Coca-cola? Never mind that I can drink a case of that in a mere day or two. I've emptied a 24pk by myself in a day more than once. My dad used to drink 2 liters for lunch. (I think it had something to do with them using sugar back then, I can't pull that off myself.)

If my dad would have had a tartan, Coke would have been it. I still miss the old Coke vending machine and other Coke stuff he had in his basement.

Again, the main issue is that it is a corporate tartan. I figure I'll need permission from somebody for the weaving process. Anybody have any experience with that extra step in the process?