Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
Well, I'm about the only person I know that actually owns a dinner suit of my own (tuxedo if you are an American). The truth is that this is only because my wife and I once went on a one-week cruise and it never occurred to me that there would be a rental shop onboard the ship! I figured that I would have to rent one for a whole week for the one night when we would be dining at the captain's table. I'm glad I did buy one, though. You feel so smug compared with people wearing rented ones, LOL! Much as I'm sure I would in my own kilt alongside someone else in a rented kilt.

I find very little opportunity to dress formally, so I think if I had such a formal occasion to go to I would wear what I have, which, alas, means I would not wear a kilt. Barring a Burns supper, of course, but I can't imagine being invited to one.
Most Burns Suppers are not invitation only, at least ones sponsored by local Caledonian/St. Andrew's Society. Mind you, there are a few private ones, but they are few & far between in the USA...if you look hard enough, you should find a local one online or in the newspaper.
