This past weekend I went to the Strawberry Music Festival near Yosemite National Park and camped with the girl, her bandmates and few thousand other folks. I decided to go kilted (well, most of the time), which was a first for me.

Total learning experience in regards to how to sit on the ground, squat, set up a tent, get into the tent without flashing.

I did get quite a few comments throughout the whole weekend though, mostly good, some weird. The highlights:

1. Teenage boy: "Awesome kilt! God, that sounded gay. I'm not gay but I still think your kilt's great."

2. Guy on trail: "I like your dress."
Wife of guy: "Honey, it's not a dress. It's a skirt."

3. Random guy: "Kilt Check!"

4. The best was when the girl and I found a side trail on our way back to camp that basically deadended so we sat down on a rock and looked out across the valley. Then 4 slightly drunk women obviously from the festival too, came into the clearing and all started pointing at me. They had been talking about "men in kilts" and when they saw a man in a kilt take the side trail, they followed. And giggled. A lot. And asked me to play the bagpipes. Sigh.

Here are some pics... kilt is Donald; mixing the browns (boots) and blacks (belt and sporran) but I don't have matching anything yet; socks probably don't "go" with the outfit but we'd been walking through brush and I'm East Coast tic-phobic so anything to avoid the deer tic.
