My current girlfriend was engaged to someone about 8 months ago. Things did not work out between her and her fiance, and the engagement ended. Not long after, she began dating me. Her friends and family were very happy she did not end up marrying the guy. Apparently they felt he did not treat her well. My girlfriend was also happy the engagement broke up, and decided long ago to have a party on the day she and her fiance were to be married. She called it her "I'm not getting married" party. It was basically a pub crawl with her in a wedding dress, and her friends dressed as bridesmaids and wedding attendees. As the current boyfriend, I was to come in a tux, but I suggested the PC, to which she readily agreed (Megan loves the kilt). Here are some pictures.

Here is Megan in her non-wedding dress. She had another white dress planned, but it was being held hostage by the dry cleaners. I went to a thrift store and picked up a wedding dress in her size for $30. I dry cleaned it at home and gave it to her with stunning results. Here she is singing karaoke in the dress (White Wedding by Billy Idol of course):

Here I am in my blue PC and Wallace 13 oz. FC (not the dressiest kilt, but I like the way it looks). I know I'm wearing a belt and a waistcoat, but the PC is a tad short and it looks odd otherwise:

Here we are together, Megan says this looks like some deranged prom photo:

As you can tell, I'm a very serious man:

This was the group when I showed up (at first it was just women, the men showed up later in the pub crawl):

Here is a picture of our feet:

As you can see, Megan's dress had a long train, which was a fun toy all night:

Here are Megan and I while I do my Mother Teresa impersonation (many people were not aware of Mother Teresa's extensive facial hair):

All in all it was a very fun night. Everyone who heard about the reason for the party was overwhelmingly supportive of the idea (whether they were married or not). Megan had one of the picture frame guest books you see at weddings, and had all the people she knew (and several she didn't know) sign it. People also found it very amusing that she is now dating someone who does divorce litigation. Ah, irony.