Quote Originally Posted by Detroitpete View Post
I thank the lads here who are helping clods like me transfer our scrunged kilt wearing lives into something more sophisticated and proper. You remind me of how my grandfater helped me as a boy--good on ya!
'At's the thing, i'nt it?

My father was a career soldier. A place for everything and everything in its place. I inherited a compulsive habit of cleaning my nails when I think nobody's looking. (Which means when it counts, they'll be a little dirty...)

My mother grew up poorer than dirt. She put great emphasis on being "neat" in one's dress and presentation. I learned it's easier to dress "up" the social scale than it is to dress "down" the social scale. I also manage to scrape by in a place where the standards of dress are quite relaxed -- which suits me as I often stop on the way to work to feed sheep, and again when I get home in the evening (as well as dumping accumulated buckets of compost before heading up the hill to the house).

I'm not alone here in having an interest in becoming a better dresser. I am uncomfortably aware that I don't own anything more formal than "business casual" at the moment, and while I have not attended a truly formal occasion for 10 years, I have lately begun to conceive the need for what I believe is called "daywear" -- items at least a little dressy-looking for events to which I may be called. Maybe "evening" wear, though what I see of that looks far more formal than my life calls for.

So thanks to our Fashion Brigade for giving us lots of "teachable moments."
