Finding the correct level of formality
Hi, all.
Now that I've booked a room at Ferintosh for my better half and myself for the Burns supper do in January, it's about time to start planning what to wear. So ... what to wear?
I am a bit uncertain as to what level of formality would be deemed correct for the occasion in Scotland, so any advise on that is appreciated. I see from the pictures of earlier do's that people have different tastes, but PC coatees are common. Is that the way to go?
My alternatives are:
KILT: Black barrathea kilt, 6yd machine sewn (TFCK) OR hand sewn 8yd tartan inspired fashion check (mainly red, white & black).
JACKET: Black barrathea jacket and waistcoat (similar to crail style) OR black barrathea Prince Charlie and waistcoat OR converted dinner jacket (no waistcoat) OR converted black "sack coat" (no waistcoat)
SHIRT: White if PC jacket. If the other jacket: White OR coloured/patterned (small, woven pattern, e.g. light blue). Collar style?
TIE: Necktie coordinating with shirt OR black bow tie
HOSE: Black OR other ("other" will have to be knit specially). If other what colour?
FLASHES: Matching the kilt OR red
SHOES: Black lace-up shoes OR black pumps OR buckled pumps
I only have one sporran, so that'll be black leather with three tassles and brushed steel cantle.
Also, as this will be my better half's first kilted party, I'll need to dress him up in completely new clothing ON A TIGHT BUDGET. Most items made by me. What should I make for him?
So to sum up:
1) what level of formality is considered appropriate for a Burns supper,
2) which of the above garments are suitable for that level of formality.
Vin gardu pro la sciuroj!