First of all, I have a couple questions:
1. What would one have to do to be a crafts vendor at a Highland Games event?

Ever heard of Woading? You've seen it. It's basically ancient celtic warpaint.

3. Know anyone who does it?

I have been doing henna for years and developed a pretty large number of clients in Memphis, TN. I hennaed professional belly dancers, Indian brides and grooms, and people who wanted to "try out" tattoos before getting them permanantly inked.

I recently started using temporary body paint. I use the same brand that was used on Vin Diesel in Triple X. It's water proof and lasts from 3 days to a week, depending on how you take care of it.

Well, they make they make the same stuff in blue. Do you see where I'm going with this? I wonder if it would go over at the games or other Renaissance/ Celtic type festival or event. Think it would be worth the time and effort? The supplies would cost too much for me to try something that wouldn't do well.