Quote Originally Posted by HarborSpringsPiper View Post
I cannot but think you ask an excellent question. I see a combination of no visible garter or flashes in some, what appear to be woven ties in others and some that I can only assume represent elastic garters with or without flashes. If somebody can enlighten us, that would be helpful.

I had thought (assumed) that elastic garters/flashes with kilt hose were more of a recent innovation, possibly military related over the last century but now I don't know. I ran across this:So clearly the technology was available going back almost two hundred years ago for elastic kilt hose garters. My question is, when did they start using it as such?

My related question in regards to these Victorian prints is if we don't see a garter/flash, does that mean they were using simple elastic garters under the fold or what? Similary, did they ever use woven ties without the ends being visible? Were they ever wearing hose without any type of garter?
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