Greetings all, 24 October, 649pmMST

Here is my latest creation..........

This is for my son in Hawai'i. Some of you may have seen the pix of his kilt that I posted up some time ago.

The medallion is a "Horse Brass" with the Welsh dragon and the Welsh word "CYMRU" cast into it. Bought it from an eBay dealer in England. Horse brasses are draft horse harness embellishments.

The front is from a red fox pelt, with buffalo hair tufts. All hand stitched. The front and back are gusseted together so it will open up some. I made and assembled the straps also.

The background tartan is the remnant of the Welsh National I made my son's kilt in.

I have to thank my wife for weighing in on the artistic aspects of this. She has more of an eye for what looks good than I do.

Fide et Fortitudine, aye!
