I tried to do a search using the word "tie" but apparently the search function doesn't like words that short.

Anyway... I'd like to broach the subject with my boss about wearing my kilt to work. I'm a licensed professional engineer and the manager of the engineering department for my district within the company. So obviously I need to look and act at least halfway professional. Normal office attire is 'business casual', and we usually wear neckties only one day a week.

What I'd like to do is organize myself an appropriate kilted outfit, take a picture of me in it, and show it to him to see if he'd think it's appropriate for the office.

I'm thinking it would be brown Oxford style shoes, Lovat blue kilt hose, my Colquhoun 'ancient' kilt, brown sporran and kilt belt, a blue collared dress shirt, and a dark blue or black tie. I don't have a waistcoat/vest, but might consider one. Mainly I want the look to be subdued, not screaming out with bright colors or diced hose or anything. Not at first, anyway, until people are used to the kilt in the office.

It's the tie that I'm unsure of. If I wear a tie with my kilt without a waistcoat, what are the rules? Normally a tie is worn so that the end is at the belt buckle. With a kilt, of course, that would be very very short indeed and might look kind of silly. Do people wear neckties with kilts without a waistcoat, or is it pretty much a general rule that you always wear a waistcoat with the tie when kilted?

Sorry for the dumb newbie question. Pics would help if you have them.