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Thread: "Day plaid"?

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  1. #9
    Join Date
    27th January 05
    Jefferson, Georgia, USA
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    All very good questions and I look forward to Jocks response.

    Notice in the photo also there are two other different wearing styles. One is the 2nd from the left. He appears to have a plaid of some sort pinned to his right shoulder but nothing across the chest.

    The other is the 2nd from the right, in the distance, who appears to have a plaid wrapped around his torso like a sash.

    I feel like the most likely method is that the plaid was pinned on the left shoulder and then wrapped around the back, under the right arm and flipped back over the right shoulder to hang down the back. (left diagram below) Dashed lines mean the plaid is behind the person.

    I would imagine that securing the left end of the plaid by tucking it under the right arm would create too much bulk in the arm pit with so much wool intersecting there. (right diagram above)

    Quote Originally Posted by HarborSpringsPiper View Post

    At the risk of flogging a dead horse, I have a question about the gentleman who is third from the left facing away from the camera. I assume this is a day plaid that he is wearing draped and not folded as as the other gents, with the longer part hanging over his right shoulder. I'm trying to figure out what is going on with the other end of the plaid. Is it just going across his chest, over the left shoulder and other end affixed somehow? Or is that other end going under his right armpit, coming up over the front of the right shoulder and held in place by the bulk of the longer end of the plaid hanging down? Or is the plaid going over the top of the right shoulder, under the right armpit and across the back to have the short end hanging over the top of the left shoulder? And now that I re-read that I'm not sure it makes sense or that I want to try any harder to make it any clearer!

    Reading your descriptions, Jock, I have come to realize that people probably just threw these on however and would think it ridiculous that somebody would even question in what fashion it was hanging. I guess I and many others are so used to seeing piper's or drummer's plaids that are "fixed" in some fashion that these are novel, to me at least.

    Just noticed the nice shine on all the brogues.
    Last edited by cavscout; 29th October 09 at 12:31 PM.

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