While I haven't been posting much since making our life-changing move nearly 2 years ago, I do still read the forum at least once a day. I just rarely post, due to not having a whole lot to say. I've gone from kilting almost daily in my "old life", to only wearing them for special occasions. This is partly because I've been spending most of my free time doing things that aren't always kilt friendly, such as working on the house, yard, and my old cars. I could wear a kilt for work now as I'm my own boss, but the work I do is also not kilt friendly.

At any rate, I am still alive, I do still wear a kilt and here's proof...

Just before heading out for our town's Remembrance Day ceremony this morning.

After getting home. I'd promised I would post a pic of us in front of the "new" house back before we moved. Only took me 2 years to get one!!