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  1. #10
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    22nd November 07
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    Quote Originally Posted by thanmuwa View Post
    Yes, and Tolkien had the ambitious aim of providing an Anglo-Saxon mythology (obviously heavily based on the Norse/Germanic mythologies) which he considered sadly lost.
    I guess what I meant is that the people talking about daoi- and du-sith seem to me to be taking their inspiration from Tolkien and other fantasy sources rather than European legends. Put it this way, one of the highest results when searching on Daoi-sith is for a game called adventure quest....

    Certainly I have never heard about dark and light Sidhe in Irish legends. The concept of the dark elf is much more likely to be represented by a Fomor or Firbolg (not that the Sidhe are considered particularly similar to light elves, they are probably equivalent to dark (or at the very least shady) elves by themselves!)

    From what I've read some of the Irish ledgens relate them having kings and queens etc, and often appearing fairly anthropomorphized to humans.

    I thought we were going to get to discuss some Scottish and Irish folktails of the Sith and Sidhe as told by Scots and Irish in this thread...

    I was looking forward to it...
    I'll go read some more history books.
    Last edited by Bugbear; 13th November 09 at 05:34 AM.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

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