OK i'm going to differ with a couple of our colleagues: the shirt should be white. The hose, most of us would say, should not be white. Cream hose are acceptable to some, not to others; it's a matter of taste influenced by custom and usage.
The whole jacket length issue is (1) you don't want the jacket to hide the pleats, (2) it would look a bit funny to most of us here. The cut in front is not crucial, but the length makes a difference.
You may have time to rent a Prince Charlie and the trimmings before going: check with Scottish Tartans Museum, Celtic Croft, et al. Hubby could see how he likes the PC, and it might inform any future purchase.
Above all, have fun!
If purchase is an option, several of our sponsors could also fit you out with the PC or black Argyll and 2 vests to mix'n'match with it. USA Kilts has a nice price going on Argyll and PC.
Now that I think of it, if anyone is in the market for a tux---music students, take note--- Jos. A. Bank has had a nice deal going on separates ($200 for jacket and trousers). If you're near one of their stores, they will honor the Web/catalog price, or they usually ship extremely quickly.
Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
gainfully unemployed systems programmer