Face it, some have fashion sense, some don't.
Absolutely! And I freely admit I'm one of those who don't. Which is why I come here and ask a bunch of dumb questions first before wearing it in public. And the folks here have been excellent at answering those questions.

But it goes far beyond 'fashion sense' as most people know it. The kilt is a garment that most of us didn't grow up wearing, and haven't been exposed to in our daily lives. So it would be impossible to have any 'fashion sense' for a style of dress that we don't know what the fashions are. And when it comes to gentlemanly dress, too, some of us are in the dark. Some of you guys have no problems transitioning from formal panted wear to formal kilted wear. While others of us who come from lesser means don't even know what traditional formal wear is all about. Nor do we know which forks and spoons to use when they give us more than one at a fancy meal!

All that is to say, again, that I appreciate all the help from the traditionalists and nontraditionalists alike. Ain't nothing wrong with sharing the 'rules' and 'fashion suggestions' with others here, so long as it's done in a helpful manner.