Originally Posted by
It has been a lifestyle change, and not a diet.
How true this is. A few years ago I had a bit of a life altering medical event and was told that it would be in my best interest to lose some weight. After checking around a bit I decided to follow the South Beach diet, which was designed for cardiac patients and not specifically as a weight loss program. I've managed to lose and keep off 40pounds for five years now and feel the much better for it. To really simplify the the diet, it's about eating all things in moderation, and making the conscious choice that you ARE going to change your lifestyle. Your body still needs things like salt and sugars, just not as much as you thought you did before. I still go out for a burger and fries, just not as often as I once did. I never was much of a beer drinker but I still enjoy as nice dark brew occasionally. If my weight does creep up a few pounds, as it does tend to do over holidays etc, I just watch my intake for awhile and make sure I get out for the morning walk.
What I've learned from this whole process is that I do have choices, and that nobody is going to make them for me....it's my decision as to how I'm going to live.
Good luck with your quest to have a smaller you, and do let us know how you are doing.
The secret of happiness is freedom,
and the secret of freedom, courage