Quote Originally Posted by Lachlan09 View Post
The colour photo at Edinburgh Castle, what regiments ? To me it looks like the PM of the Black Watch, PM of the Gordons, DM of the Gordons, PM of the Royal Scots, PM of the Argylls, PM of the QOH.
Yes indeed!

By the way, that PM of the Black Watch was a huge man, nicknamed the Big Ugg. I can't think of his name at the moment. A very fine player!

In Christian Hesketh's Tartans you can see him before his promotion....

BTW kilt length has, in general, been fairly stable since the beginning of the 19th century.

Here's a rather short kilt in 1714, followed by a top-of-the-knee kilt c1780, followed by kilts of about the same length in the early, mid, and late 19th century. Last are recent photos of pipe bands...