I've been toying with the idea of getting a custom kilt pin made and am wondering if anyone here does such work? I would also probably want to get it in 2 smaller versions - either pins or pendants.

Some background for what I'm looking for:
I'm looking to represent the bond (blood/spiritual/duty) to my Godchildren:
my nephew (2yrs) (named after St. Nicholas - but not necessarily Santa) and my niece (7mo) (Anabelle but her middle name is Lilly - after my grandmother).

I currently wear on a chain two Guardian Angel "coins" - one for each of them and they each have a "coin" themselves. They clearly don't understand the significance of the coins now but since I live so far away - it's my connection to them and a reminder to myself of my role in their lives as they growup.

Thought I'd toss this out here before I start looking around at jewelers - or if you know a good designer - let me know!
