I teach high school science (an activity for which I do not wear a kilt) and I play the bagpipes (an activity for which I do), and a friend forwarded me an email this week with a link to an old thread on this forum: the experiment that tested several kilts to see which provided thermal insulation. The email was originally sent by Vernier, the company that manufactures and sells the probes and interface used in the experiment. I would have posted this comment on that thread but it is closed, but I wanted to share the fact that this experiment is being cited as another use (outside of the classroom) for some of its equipment.

As a scientist, I enjoyed reading the paper quite a bit, and thought it generally a well organized experiment. I think there should have been a control experiment done with just the boxer shorts (no kilt) to see just how well it insulates, but I can understand the experimenter's reluctance to volunteer for this aspect of the experiment.