Great input, thanks folks, I really appreciate the help!

Just to say, I don't mean for one minute to imply that anyone here has the cookie cutter look. Those that I have seen look smashing, kudos to the care,effort, and investment you folks have put into your style.

Matt, once again, you are spot on. Good points all. As you and I have discussed, you are so right about hiring "that look". Somehow, I have to achieve that variety of "looks" on a rather tight budget, at least at first, dread having to come up with a No.1.

Hoping, in the near future, that my playing will be of such quality that I can work on a regular basis. Developing a traditional and varied style, one that suites both me and the customer is what I am trying to strive for. This forum, you, and the good folks here are of immeasurable help in that journey.