I can speak on the Lord of the Isles Green as I am a Clan Officer and have heard this straight from the lips of the Clan Chief the MacDonald of MacDonald. This is his personal tartan, he will grant permission to any Clan member wishing to wear this tartan, if they request such permission from him. This has been put out at various AGM's, Chief's Tours and other assorted Clan gatherings. I do have to render an a mea culpa concerning the military tartans-I had been misinformed regarding their official status.
I knew the Army tartan was officially recognized, I believe 2 years ago, so this is very new in the scheme of things. It is able to be worn with the Army Uniform with the consent and approval of the Base Commander-per current uniform regulations. I knew this for sure about the Army as I am an Army Veteran and am looking to order my next kilt in the Army tartan-the supplier wants a DD 214 or other proof that I was an Army veteran. The reason behind the official status is related to the increasing usage of bagpipes being played at memorial services and military funerals. There are fewer and fewer buglers around and as they become ever more scarce, many of us are looking to the bagpipes as a way of rendering honors to a fallen warrior. The prerecorded notes on the imitation bugle seem disrespectful to many of us, and a live piper brings a certain dignity to the event.
Another military tartan, which is restricted is the Special Forces Tartan-I am not sure if that is due to an official status or because it is held exclusively by a private organization-I do know that a DD 214 or current evidence of service in an SF Unit is required to order this tartan. The piper for my Legion post is a retired SF CSM and was complaining about having to track down his 214 so he could get a kilt made in it.
I am interested in any information concerning the Military tartans as I am a Legion District Vice-Commander and have a Post in the District forming a kilted honor guard and they want the members kilted in the tartans of their service.