Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
Is that the group that plays at the bookstore on 410 (the one next to the Goodwill) on Sunday afternoons? I was there about a year ago and happened to talk to the lady that owns it, and mentioned to her that I play the mandolin. She mentioned a band that plays there on Sundays that I swear was called Sally's Garden.
That is indeed the same group. I have known John Wiesen for almost five years, and he and his wife are talented musicians, and so much fun to play with. Another friend of mine also plays in the band now, playing the ocarina and spoons (and sometimes washboard!). They still play at the Nine Lives Used Bookstore on 410, and are usually there every Sunday afternoon from about 2pm until 5pm. Here is a link to their website: http://www.sallysgarden.org/ (I hope it's ok to post that here). And yes, John wears a kilt too!