My dear friend André Philippe (Rollo) often pointed out to me that I should wear a white rosette.
So I've looked up all the rosettes I could possibly find in my library and I made up my own.
No , Lady Chrystel didn't even touched thread nor needle this time ! It was all my doing.
Needless to say I'm rather proud to present this rather intricate “Jacobite” rosette, a combination of different size ribbons and lace.
I wanted to add a touch of gold to it:
“(quote)...and the centre (which should be a little raised or puffed) should be tied about with golden thread.”
The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine The kilt and how to wear it 1901
So I sewed a golden miniature brooch into it create the sought after stamen effect.
Here are shots of the different steps. Keep in mind : If I can do it ANYBODY can...
I used a little cushion to pin down the ribbon. Really helps.
So this was the first step. In the second one, I sewed a piece of lace around it.
This being done, go to the third step :
Then the fourth : a small lace rosette that will become the heart of the rose.