I will be attending the Fredericksburg (VA) Scottish Society Burns Night Jan 30th. I need to put together a formal rig for the event. First, I tried to order a navy Argyle from Hector Russell, after seeing this thread. Alas, they did not have one in my size. I sent a note to see if they had one in bottle green, but with time getting short, I am afraid I am going to have to move to plan B or C.

So, my options are: B -- rent a PC or Argyle from a local shop, C -- purchase an Eton (1 button shawl collar) jacket and formal waistcoat from Uniformal Warehouse.

It would probably cost about the same either way. I have a good idea what I will get if I rent; anyone buy from Uniformal? How do the Etons look in person?

Opinions from the rabble please.