Because I am a stand up guy and

because I do not need another kilt AND
because I am afraid a 38 might actually fit,
I am posting a link to this eBay item in hopes that someone can identify the tartan. I believe it MAY be a dress variant of Campbell of Cawdor, though some sources list such a designation ( and some Campbell authorities denounce it) and some do not.

Anyway, is this Dress Campbell of Cawdor, or something else?

And who will rid me of this temptation?

By the way, and hijacking my own thread briefly, I finally received the mysterious Montrose I bought on eBay for a low bid because it was so poorly described. MIRABILE DICTU it fits my swollen body. I think it left the makers (Hugh MacPherson of Edinburgh) as a 42L. Included inside the sleeves are white buttons for lace cuffs, or maybe to attach ones handkerchief...

Move along, please, nothing out of the ordinary here...
