A quick question or two for you experts...

In light of a recent discussion, I'm going to try wearing a Balmoral. It's totally not my usual style of headwear, but I'm going for the traditional look. Rather than continue to hijack someone else's thread (which I apologize for), I'm starting this one for my questions.

It seems that Glengarry Hats has the best price on what I'm looking for: just a plain Balmoral, no dicing. I like the sky blue one because it would probably compliment the blue in my tartan, even though it's not exactly the same shade. Plus, if I'm honest, my wife prefers that I wear light blue because she says it brings out my blue eyes.

So the first question is: a sky blue Balmoral doesn't represent anything I should be aware of, does it? A military unit, police, Jacobite sympathies, etc.? Not that I would mind making a 'statement' by wearing a certain color; I just want to know what 'statement' that would be. I have read that the dicing is a military/police thing, and that certain colors represent military units. Do any of them apply to sky blue with no dicing, and plain black band/toorie/rosette/tail ribbons?

Second question: Sizing. The only other hats I own that come in a fixed size (i.e. aren't adjustable) are cowboy hats. And I typically wear a 6-7/8. They are usually a little tight on my head but stretch in to be comfortable after I sweat in them a couple of times. Now, Glengarry Hats only carries the Balmorals in sizes 7 through 8. So size 7 is as close as I can get. If this ends up being a tad too loose, what are my options? I think I saw someone mention that in the military they will buy them oversized and wet them, then let them shrink to fit. Will this work? Or will I be relegated to trying something else, like stitching in a hat-band liner?

Third question: badges. Is it common for people to wear a Balmoral with no clan badge or other decoration with the rosette? Or would that be a minor fashion faux-pas like wearing a kilt without a kilt pin? I can always invest in a clan badge to match my clan kilt pin, but that's extra money I really don't want to spend until I decide the Balmoral is my style. Would people talk about me behind my back if I wear a plain Balmoral with no badge?

And the fourth question, on the subject of badges: is a clan badge worn over the rosette (with the rosette as the background), or beside it? I could swear I've seen badges worn both ways, but I'm not so sure.

Thanks for answering my dumb questions.