I wear the Clan Macpherson clansman's badge. My ancestor's (who lived during the 19th-century) crest is based on the crest of the Chief of the Clan Macpherson, but is not exact, though in some cases for other armigers, it may come pretty close. The current position of the
Scottish Wildcat, which is the totem and crest of Cluny Macpherson and the Clan Macpherson, is seated with one glove (arm and paw) raised. My ancestor's crest is a Scottish Wildcat-
rampant-with one glove holding a dagger. I would love to find a good, Scottish metalsmith to fashion the badge for me, but I have not done so yet, that is why I wear the clansman's badge with one eagle feather-of course I don't wear the feather all of the time-only when I deem it appropriate, suitable, and practical (mainly at games, gatherings, and clan meetings-AGM's-and in Scotland). I hope I clarified my privilege of being armigerous to everyone. I am not breaking any sort of Scottish Law, as I have done the research and have followed the proper procedures to a tee!