Hi Rabble,

Thought I'd pop in here and give an update on various projects I thought ye might be interested in.

I have learned to knit (er. I'm still learning.) And what better way to learn than to jump for the most difficult thing to try first. (lace excepted.) so various pairs of cable knit hose are in progress but I got bored with the cables and decided to make some argyle cuffs... Well, that seemed too boring too and browsing some old threads for ideas I came across this.

Notice the stags heads in the argyle pattern. I decided to give it a go.

I made a pattern.

I made it to match my Gordon kilt. (also in progress atm...)

Here is my progress so far.

(BTW if anyone wants a bitmap of the pattern I can provide it for free.)

Other than that, a few kilts and a sgian dubh have kept me busy...

I'll keep you updated and post some pics when it's all been said and done.

(plus you may find an update on my Sheriffmuir doublet project that has been sitting in my closet for too long...)