Canada's last WW1 vet dies
Just read in the paper that John Babcock, Canada's last surviving vet from the First World War, has passed away at the ripe old age of 109. Enlisting at 16, he tried to sneak his way into the fornt lines in France, but was discovered and send to a position out of harm's way. Mr. Babcock said he always felt a little uncomfortable about being described as the last surviving vet because he never saw any action. When our last survivng combat veteran of WW1, Charles Laking, died both the British and French governments sent representatives to the funeral to mark his passing and what it meant. For some reason our government saw fit to ignore the occasion. Hopefully they will do the right thing and recognize Mr. Babcock as he is laid to rest. Veterans everywhere deserve no less.
The secret of happiness is freedom,
and the secret of freedom, courage