As I usually do when I notice a regular hasn't posted in a while, I went to the 'member's list after seeing NorCal Piper's thread about Ham's absence. I couldn't help but notice, on the page where Ham is listed, there were several guys banned as sspammers. Out of curiosity, I started randomly checking out the different pages in the thousand or so contained. I saw a hundred or more people banned as spammers in the few pages I checked. It appears the the forum has been ubder constant attack by a group of spammers, for the last year or so. Yet we have seen nothing of this in the main forum. It appears that our mods have been doing a great job keeping these people at bay. I have no idea how they find time to, in most cases, hold a full time job, keep the attackers out and keep we rabble in line. I see now why Jamie was somewhat worn out. Thank you mods for doing an excellent job