When I was a wee lad on my first trip to scotland (16ish yrs old), I discovered the great lagers/ales of Scotland. One that stood out was Tennents Lager. This is my Fav. beer of All Time. When I came of age back home I rediscovered this lager in a local pub. It was just a few months later that they quit carrying this beer. I soon discovered that the distributor quit carrying it. How frustrating! Fast forward a few more years, I took a trip to Branson, MO and found a local pub that carried it. I took advantage of my find and ordered as much as I could. I Returned some months later to discover that They quit carring Tennents. I called around and found a Liquor Store that carried it. I rushed up there opened up the fridge and there it was, a 6 pack of Tennents Lager. I asked the owner if he had any more, he said that this was his last one till a new shipment arrives. It was a bit of a tease to have just one 6 pack, but I was happy. luckily I have a mother in law that lives nearby. I finally had a source for my Tennents. Yesterday my Mother in law calls to tell me she is going to Branson and will pick up some Tennents for me. Yeah . It was 20min later she calls and tells me that the distributor there quit carrying it! . They did not have any. I am beginning to think that this is a conspiracy. My quest for the elusive Tennents Lager continues.