Thanks, Ken. I have a similar interest, though it is now in the background. I have done a lot of thinking about how to set up a medievalish bagpipe because I used to be in the SCA. I was never satisfied with the look of modern bagpipes for a non-modern venue. Sound, yes. Look, no.

I love the look of the older-style Gibsons and if I had the money for a set, I'd buy them. But I already have more bagpipes than I'll ever need. I've got my blackwood pipes, a set of Dunbar P1s, a no-name blackwood beater set, and I'm current custodian of my dad's first set of pipes, which are a beast to play and sound wonderful. I don't need any more bagpipes. But I sure do want them sometimes...

For now I get to live out that daydream vicariously by imagining Nighthawk's pipes the way I'd want them!
