There is one Rattlesnake that I have not encountered, that I did not see on your list.

Massasauga Rattlesnake

I do a lot of hiking, and I incorporated Geocache(sp) as well. While working as a fish biologist on the Great lakes, I went in search of one cache. while crawling under a large root wad, it dawned on me that the area I was in was set aside specifically for protection of the endangered Massasauga Rattlesnake.

While serving in the Marines, a good friend of mine woke to what he swears was a thirty foot rattlesnake. It was sadly, quite comical. The Marine in Question was the darkest man I know. I heard a blood curdling scream and sprang up to investigate. I saw him as white as I, and I did not see him touch the ground in the half second it took him to cover one hundred yards. I may be exaggerating about the color, I am pretty pale.

He got up to put on his socks, saw that poor defenseless snake and took off. It really was a large snake, I didn't feel compelled to play with it and see how big it really was.