Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
I just can't warm up to a sporran that only has one tassle... sorry, Matt...

It's like the sporranmaker ran out of tassels just when he had to ship out that sporran.
Interesting... I hadn't really thought of that. Now that you mention it, one tassel does look a bit incomplete (although it still looks good to me). In looking at the Victorian era portraits, I see a lot of hair sporrans with 2 or 3 tassels, and some with no tassels at all. But none of them that I saw have only one tassel. And as soon as I say that, I'm sure someone will show a picture of one.

Personally, I like two or three long tassels. More than that (or if short tassels are used), and it starts to look like a military sporran. But using two or three long ones seemed to be the norm back in the 1800s, and I think it's a fine look.