Scene 20

The man looked directly at me and I recognized him immediately. This man was the spitting image of the man I knew as Ted Crocker. On this man, the grey of cataracts covered both his eyes.

“You know who I am?” I asked him.

“Of course, I saw you coming, even before that interesting woman told me you would be here. Please be careful where you step,” he warned, “the parsley is still very fragile at this stage.”

I looked down to where I had almost stepped on the small plant. “How did you…?” I stated to ask.

He chuckled a bit. “I know my own garden better than most know the calluses on their hands. And, your walk is much too heavy.”

“If you know who I am then I suspect you know why I’m here?”

“Indeed I do; you need to know where to go next in your quest to save the worlds. I can tell you that.”

“Great, I’m all ears.”

“All ears? What an interesting expression, from your own world, I suppose. Very well, you and the Wizard must travel through the Misty Mountains.”

“What of Starbuck and me?” Jockel asked.

“You are not to go with them,” Theodore answered. “Your defeat of Lord Swill’s usurper has not gone unnoticed. Dark forces will soon come and you must help defend the town.”

“Then shouldn’t we stay as well?” I asked.

“No, your quest is too urgent. You must leave by morning.”

“Can you tell me anything more?”

“I can see most of your journey, Mr. Dove, but only the next few steps are clear. You are to journey through the Misty Mountains. But beware; I see a large obstacle for you to pass. You then must travel through the storm, where you will find a mole and its master. More than that I cannot say, as it becomes too unclear.”

“That is much more than I knew before. Thank you for your help.”

“You are most welcome. You are fighting to save my world as well. But one more thing, enemies and friends are not always different people. Remember that.”

“I will, thank you.”

As we walked away, Steven asked a question. “What was that he said about friends and enemies?”

“That they are not always different people. I can only assume that either a friend will betray me, or an enemy will come to our aid, perhaps both.

As Theodore listened to the four leave, he heard the small tinkling voice next to his ear.

“Yes, little one, that is the man. He is the one you must follow.”