I finished my first self-sewn kilt!
Thanks to Alan H for his great instructions that made it a pleasure to assemle that fine piece of clothing.
For that first attempt, I choose 4mtrs of cheap but durable 14 oz poly-cotton (65/35) Danish Flecktarn cammo-fabric. To the outside of the modified 2 inch waistband I attached a velcro tape for the complete length, fitting to the matching hook tape on the back side of the inner apron as well as to the hook tape inside my 2 inch "Tasman Tiger" tactical belt. Thus no belt loops required and the kilt fits best to my waist. Here are the first pics, still with chalk markings.

I got hooked up with kilt making now, and the next projects are already waiting: 6 mtrs of 18 oz dark blue wool/poly (60/40) blend and, when I learned hand stiching, a fine 3.5 mtrs 18 oz worsted wool Leslie (KOSB) tartan from Robert Noble that came from eBay UK for only 50$ .