My wife and I took a trip to see my folks back east in April, the dates chosen to coincide with the local road race. The weather was supposed to be overcast with scattered showers all day, so I bundled up and packed my new Sportkilt so I could change into running attire when my race approached (the last of the day - lots of extended family in all races from the toddlers' 60 yards to my 10K).

Well, the sun came out early and I started stripping off layers. Very quickly realized that the kilt would be far more comfortable than the heavier pants I'd worn, so swapped over and lounged around enjoying the early races. I even did my warm up kilted, which was new for me. After I removed it and headed toward the start line, I was stopped by a gentleman who wanted to know more about the kilt, as he had seen me wearing it around and warming up. Unfortunately I didn't have more time to talk with him before the race started (or, at least, if we had known the start time was to be delayed, I could have chatted more).

In all, a great outing, and very glad I brought the kilt! Might consider running in it more, it would definitely make me easy to spot for friends and family in the crowd.