Sewing machine advice
I guess this is an SOS to those with more(and more recent) experience with sewing machines.
I'm getting into the market for a sewing machine. This is for several reasons. First, and most practical, is that it is much more economical to repair work clothes than buy new. Second, I want to try my hand at a few contemporary kilts. Third, as a military man it would be more economical to do my own uniform work. Hey, I have cut my own hair(whats left of it) for years!
My question is what do the pro's and semi-pro's in the rabble recommend? This needs to be an inexpensive machine that can do somewhat delicate work (not silk and lace but lighter cottons and synthetics--light dress shirt weight material) to medium-heavy nylon cloth and web gear. It needs to be able to do, at a minimum, straight stitches, zigzag, buttonholes, and blind hems. In a nutshell, it needs to be a do-it-all machine.
Being "Newbie Friendly" is good, but dependable and minimal maintenance is more important. I've used sewing machines before, but high school Home Ec was a LONG time ago, and most of what I remember is following lines...not setup, tuning and finished work. Computerized machines were unheard of then, but I'm not scared of them at all. Kinda like the idea.
Any help is appriciated. Thanks all.
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank.