Well, it's been a long weekend with a very sore back. Clearly I've compressed my L4 disk again, so I need to go easy and be generous with the Advil to keep from tensing up and making things worse..

However, on the way to work today I felt pretty good, so I did my sometimes-usual thing, and got out the 28'er for a few tosses on the grass before I walked in to my building. Hey, nobody said I had any common sense.

I tossed 3-4 @ 45 feet, my usual-to-good, but the thing was, I also dropped a couple at 47-48, and one that landed 17 paces away from the trig board. That's 51 feet. FIFTY ONE feet. I've done it before, this is not the first time. It's just the first time *this* year. I know what I did to make that happen. I just need to do it *Regularly*.