My (soon to be) 5 year old son keeps proving his awesomeness. Last night I was looking through some of my old stuff in search of some boxes for a couple of Reds bobbleheads (we're moving, have to pack) when I came across some of my toys that I kept in a box.

Contents of the box:
- wrestlers (still in the boxes) Al Snow (wwe figure that was yanked from the shelves), and Vampiro.
- A Wolverine action figure from when I was 10.
- All 6 Voltron Third Dimension figures (still in the boxes) a miniature Voltron and a larger Voltron (the kind where you put him together!)

He immediately asks me to take the wrestlers out of their boxes. Not going to happen. I give him Wolverine. His eyes pop out of his head when he sees the big Voltron. "Dad! What is THAT?"

Long story short, after telling him of Voltron's awesomeness, the kid inherits the smaller Voltron and now I'm hunting for Voltron DVD's.